
Battalion is a program for boys, ages 13+, however this is up to the father’s discretion and would also like to encourage our 6th graders to attend. This group is designed to create an environment that nurtures relationships between mature Godly men and younger men, specifically fathers and sons, for the purpose of discipling, teaching and encouraging in the faith to pursue masculine virtues of rejecting passivity, accepting responsibility, leading courageously, and expecting the greater reward. We will be discipling via the conduits of sports, camping, racing, engineering, cars, guns, power tools, and oh yea- grilled food. Each meeting, we will have food, a time for games to burn some energy, a life-skills project where we teach practical skills while working towards a goal, and finally a teaching time, where we dive into the Word. Join us on the first and third Saturday of each month from 4:00 - 8:00PM, for relationship building experiences, and strengthen your faith along with your son. The first meeting will be located in the Cornerstone Building. If you have any questions, please reach out to Jonathan Staggs at [email protected]. To register, please click the link below!